Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Manners, morals and more

I know...you didn't really think I'd make it back today.  I wasn't so sure either.

Immediately when you see that post title your mind thinks, "Great! Another old person to lecture me about how the world is going to hell in a hand basket! Click."(The "click" was your mouse closing the open tab.)  Or maybe, you don't even know that expression and your brain used a totally different phrase.  But chances are...you were on the same train of thought. The conductor was yelling, "All Aboard!"  and you jumped on.  Admit it.

The intention here is not to lecture.  Just factual observations from someone who has been hanging around planet earth for more than a couple of decades. 
First, back in the dark ages--when we had only 3 or 4 channels to choose from on our TV and we were not that far removed from black and whites--I remember my parents getting all upset over changes in tv censorship.  There was a show on that featured a crusty, middle-aged, blue collar, New Yorker and his lovable, daffy wife; their hip, modern daughter and her liberal-thinking, long-haired husband.  Suddenly the words "H-E-double hockey sticks" and not the kind of "dam" like a beaver builds were blasting into our home amid audience laughter.  Shocking.

Next, there were two bouncy-boobied girls who were sharing an apartment with a loveable, not-quite-leacherous guy...simply to make ends meet.  Plus, there was a lot of innuendo that was cloaked in corny antics and cheesy jokes.
I'm pretty sure I heard adults using the "hell in a handbasket" phrase.  All my friends and I thought it was no big deal.  

**Sidebar**Although my parents did not use profanity or foul language in our home--I had heard other adults and some of my friends use it.  As a matter of fact, I remember trying to make my best friend in the 4th grade stop "cussing".  Every time she did, I kicked her in the rear.  We laughed about it, but the next year I was lecturing her on the dangers of smoking when she stole cigarettes from her mom and dad.  I don't know where she is today.  I hope you gave up the smoking, Angie.

Fast forward to today.  The profane and obscene language is so far removed from those 2 words that shocked the world back when I was growing up...there is no comparison.  

TV shows are almost expected to feature gay and homosexual characters in them or they are considered biased and prejudiced. Really?  Does every single home, work place and neighborhood have the token "Homosexual Family or Person" in reality?  Not in my reality.  Hasn't the fear of political correctness taken our world hostage? 

We can't have prayers to God on TV without causing a huge stir.  It may be considered offensive to some to refer to God or Jesus in public places and events.  However, if other religions are not allowed to practice their rites and rituals on the job or in public places...then we are offending them.  How is this possible?  Double standard?

There is no doubt that our world has been tilted so far off its axis that the only way it can ever get back where it belongs will require a painful and difficult process.  And sadly, there are a large majority that are much happier to just keep walking at a slant.  

Morality is on a slippery slope and is quickly losing ground.  We, as a people have chosen this course and only we can change it.

15 Look here! Today I’ve set before you life and what’s good versus death and what’s wrong. 16 If you obey the Lord your God’s commandments that I’m commanding you right now by loving the Lord your God, by walking in his ways, and by keeping his commandments, his regulations, and his case laws, then you will live and thrive, and the Lord your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess. 17 But if your heart turns away and you refuse to listen, and so are misled, worshipping other gods and serving them, 18 I’m telling you right now that you will definitely die. 
Deuteronomy 30:15-18a CEB

Okay...so I didn't talk about manners today...maybe tomorrow?

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